Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ten on Ten - November 2010

This was my second experience joining in on the Ten on Ten photography project. I'll admit that it was much more challenging both to remember to do it, as well as to feel inspired, when my day was so ordinary. But there is always beauty, charm, humor, and life in the ordinary.


  1. Such wonderful finds in your ordinary day. Love the little mini playsets.

  2. Hee-hee about Elmo, Bethany. I appreciate his optimistic, courageous expression. Perhaps I should adopt it more often in daily life. :)

  3. French press coffee is my favorite! I can't wait for tomorrow now...

  4. Me, too, Lisa. Such superior taste! Absolute heaven. Sigh...

  5. Love the clock and the dollhouse shot. Hate when I see those words on the dash!
